Thomas R. Nicely's Current E-mail Address

Thomas R. Nicely

Last updated 0600 GMT 04 June 2017.

My current e-mail address is:

My old EarthLink, Hotmail, MSN, Gmail, Yahoo and academic addresses have been terminated. No alternate e-mail address is presently available.

Often, I find that my replies to correspondents are being bounced back by their anti-spam and anti-virus software and/or services. Please revise your acceptance list or adjust your filtering software.

If possible, send your e-mail messages as plain text; avoid HTML and rich text, especially in e-mails containing data to be processed. Attachments and large data files, or data files containing strings of digits longer than about 70 characters, should be sent as zipfiles (this protects the contents from corruption by the mailers). Please DO NOT send embedded images (jpg, gif, bmp, etc.) in your messages, as these constitute a security hole for viruses and worms, and create a serious bottleneck in data conversion. If such images are deemed critical, send them in separate zipped attachments.

Make sure that your subject line is to the point---otherwise, your message might be deleted, unread, as likely spam. Also, if you are seeking information or advice, please send, on your own behalf, a clear and concise explanation of the question or problem. Ordinarily, I will not reply to carbon copies, inquiries by a third person on behalf of others, group discussions, or unsolicited transcripts of conversations to which I have not been party.

I have provided detailed instructions for submitting lists of prime gaps.

If your zipfiles or other attachments are quite large ( > 10 MB), I do not advise sending them via e-mail. For such very large files, provide instead a pointer to a website from which I can download the file.